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Review process

We will forward your manuscript to a designated specialist (PhD or MD) in the given field of biology for review and conduct the review within 5-7 days from the moment we received your original e-mail.

Once we have our expert review ready, we will send you the payment request via e-mail*. Our e-mail will contain a link to PayPal and transaction can be completed on a secure PayPal web site in two minutes or less. To pay, you will need either a major credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover) or a bank account**.

Important: We will not see, collect or store your credit card or bank account information.

Once we had received your payment, we will immediately submit to you a completed review that would be organized exactly as a regular review of your manuscript at a typical leading journal in the broad field of biology. The review will be specific with regards to strengths and potential weaknesses of your manuscript plus provide a general overview and multiple specific points.

Additionally, our reviewers are instructed to provide their thoughts on how changes in the text and, potentially, new experiments would improve the paper.

The regular*** cost of PreSubmission.com service is US $399****, which could be converted from 16 different currencies according to PayPal. We will also perform the light editing of typos, spelling and grammar in your paper at no additional fee.

If a need for significant text editing arises, we will inform you of that within the first 24 hours upon receiving your manuscript. In this case, we will send an example of our text editing back to you (using “Track Changes” tool) with our inserted comments marked in a different color. You will have to indicate by e-mail to us whether to continue with text editing. If you agree to our editing, then an additional editing fee (typically $100) will be applied. In this case you will receive our scientific review, your text version with our corrections marked and an additional clean unmarked edited copy where all our text changes have been accepted.

If you disagree to allow us to edit the text of your manuscript, you will still receive a complete scientific review for our regular fee of US $399****. In this case, we will not correct the text of your manuscript, but the quality of our scientific review will be unaffected.


*-Please, make sure that your e-mail client does not place e-mail from PreSubmission.com regarding your manuscript into "junk" or "spam" folder. Here are Microsoft instructions for the Outlook 2003. Please add editors@presubmission.com and sales@presubmission.com to your address book or trusted sender list.

**-In this case you will need to register your bank account with PayPal to send payments. No registration is required for credit card payments.

***- We can also perform an expedited review (within 60 hr for international submissions, 48 hr for US submissions) for an additional fee of $100 (total US $499) and even a priority review (within 36 hr-international, 24 hr US) for an additional $150 (total US $549). The 12 hr difference in response time to US and non-US submissions are due to compensation for the time zone differences. See Fees for more details.

****-The regular cost of our services will increase if submitted manuscript exceeds 60,000 characters (including spaces) or approximately 30-32 double spaced pages in Times New Roman, font size 12. References cited (outside of the main text) are not included in the character count. Additional cost will be prorated at $7 per each additional 1,000 characters.