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Publish Faster!

We are a unique company that contracts well-known specialists to review your scientific manuscript (presubmission) before you proceed with submission to a peer-reviewed journal of your choice.

We will also perform scientific editing of your manuscript (usually at no additional fee), combining proofreading, science writing and editing service into one solution. Think of us as a combination of a peer reviewer and advanced text editor.

By incorporating the suggestions of independent experts that are provided by us, you may avoid the outright rejection of your paper, reduce the number of subsequent revisions or even eliminate them altogether, therefore, saving you significant time and precious grant money.

We are focusing initially on the publications in the field of biology (with emphasis on genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, cell biology, basic cancer research, endocrinology and bioinformatics).

Advantage of PreSubmission.com:

1. Our reviewers are PhD or MD scientists with at least 10-15 years of experience in their fields of study, currently working as biological or medical faculty at the leading United States of America (US) universities and medical schools.

2. Our experts had published scientific manuscripts in Nature, Cell, Science, Genes and Development, PNAS, J. Biol. Chem., Nature Med., Mol. Cell Biol. and others.

3. Our reviewers had previously reviewed manuscripts for leading journals such as Nature, J. Biol. Chem., Oncogene, Experimental Cell Research, PNAS, J. of Cell Biology, Cancer Research, J. of Cell Science, Mol. Cell Biol., Cell Cycle, Carcinogenesis, and others.

Recent feedback from our clients:

"Thank you for the review of our presubmission. It was very helpful."

" Thanks for the thorough review. I incorporated most of your suggestions and submitted my manuscript."

"My postdoc was surprised that your reviewers were able to pinpoint our weak points so efficiently. I have to admit that after we incorporated most of the changes you suggested, the manuscript appears much stronger."

"Thanks for your prior review. Our paper got accepted with just a few small modifications."

"Thank you very much for your work. I'm very pleased with the end result: our paper just got accepted."

" This is a great resource. I'll be in touch."

"...our paper is finally accepted! Thanks so much for the review. I am sure that it helped. I will be recommending your service to other PIs in our Department."